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How-To Geek is a great place to learn all kinds of things, and some of our articles are in-depth explanations of how something works. We call these explainer topics, and here’s the best ones that we published in 2011.

How-To Geek是学习各种事物的好地方,我们的某些文章对事物的工作原理进行了深入的解释。 我们称这些解释器为主题,这是我们在2011年发布的最佳主题。

您应该在Windows PC上备份哪些文件? (What Files Should You Backup on Your Windows PC?)


You’ve probably been told many times that it’s a good idea to backup your PC. But, where do you start? What do you actually need to backup? The following article shows you the basics of backing up your PC, what files and folders you should backup, and why. Remember that every PC is different and some of the files and folders you may need to backup may be different from the ones discussed in the article depending on what data is important on your PC.

您可能已经被告知很多次,备份PC是个好主意。 但你从哪儿开始呢? 您实际上需要备份什么? 下面的文章向您展示了备份PC的基础知识,应备份的文件和文件夹以及原因。 请记住,每台PC都是不同的,根据您的PC上重要的数据,您可能需要备份的某些文件和文件夹可能与本文中讨论的文件和文件夹不同。

HTG解释:32位和64位Windows 7有什么区别? (HTG Explains: What’s the Difference Between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7?)


Have you heard the terms “32-bit” and “64-bit” and wondered what these terms actually mean and why you might want to run the 64-bit version of Windows 7? The following article takes you through the history of 32-bit and 64-bit computing, what your computer can run, and the advantages and disadvantages of using a 64-bit Windows environment.

您是否听说过“ 32位”和“ 64位”这两个术语,并想知道这些术语的实际含义以及为什么要运行Windows 7的64位版本? 下一篇文章向您介绍32位和64位计算的历史,计算机可以运行的内容以及使用64位Windows环境的优缺点。

HTG解释:电子邮件如何工作? (HTG Explains: How Does Email Work?)


Email is such a common and important form of communication today. You send and receive messages daily, whether you use a computer, smart phone, or tablet. The following article explains how email works in language anyone can understand.

电子邮件是当今如此常见且重要的交流形式。 无论您使用计算机,智能手机还是平板电脑,您都每天收发消息。 以下文章介绍了电子邮件如何以任何人都能理解的语言工作。

停止相信电视的谎言:“增强”图像的真实真相 (Stop Believing TV’s Lies: The Real Truth About “Enhancing” Images)


You’ve probably seen it many times on television and in movies. Some government agency uses their advanced technology to “enhance” a blurry image to clear up the face of a villain. Is it really possible to find faces in blurry pixels? The following article argues, using science and technology, that it is impossible to do with current technology and will likely never be possible.

您可能已经在电视和电影中看过很多次了。 一些政府机构使用其先进技术来“增强”模糊的图像,以清理小人的脸。 真的有可能找到像素模糊的面Kong吗? 下一篇文章使用科学技术论证说,当前的技术是不可能做到的,并且可能永远不可能。

HTG解释:所有这些音频格式之间有什么区别? (HTG Explains: What are the Differences Between all those Audio Formats?)


There are many different digital audio formats out there. How do you tell what formats to use in which situations? The following article discusses some of the more common audio formats, the differences among them, and for what purposes you would want to use them.

有许多不同的数字音频格式。 您如何确定在哪种情况下使用哪种格式? 下面的文章讨论了一些更常见的音频格式,它们之间的差异以及您打算使用它们的目的。

HTG解释:什么是HDR摄影,如何使用? (HTG Explains: What is HDR Photography, and How Can I Use It?)

How-To Geek has taught you about various aspects of photography. One of them, High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging, can create beautiful photos with detail and clarity thought to be impossible. The following article teaches you about the different types of HDR imaging and clarifies confusing terminology.

How-To Geek教您摄影的各个方面。 其中之一,即高动态范围(HDR)成像,可以创建出具有细节和清晰度的精美照片,这被认为是不可能的。 下面的文章教您有关HDR成像的不同类型,并阐明令人困惑的术语。

Image credit: Exposure by

图片来源: 曝光

HTG解释:Firefox内存清理器确实起作用吗? (HTG Explains: Do Firefox Memory Cleaners Actually Work?)

If you use Firefox, you’ve probably noticed that it can consume a lot of system memory during normal use. This may happen due to the number of tabs you have open or the number of add-ons you have installed. However, even a fresh install of Firefox can use quite a bit of memory. There are a few Firefox add-ons that claim to free up memory the browser is no longer using, but do they actually work? The following article gives a brief explanation about how Windows handles memory, goes through an example of monitoring Firefox’s memory usage and how to interpret the results, and suggests some more effective methods for managing Firefox’s memory usage.

如果使用Firefox,您可能已经注意到它在正常使用期间会消耗大量系统内存。 这可能是由于您打开的选项卡数量或安装的附件数量导致的。 但是,即使是全新安装的Firefox也会占用大量内存。 有一些Firefox附加组件声称可以释放浏览器不再使用的内存,但是它们确实有效吗? 下面的文章简要介绍了Windows如何处理内存,通过监视Firefox的内存使用情况以及如何解释结果的示例,并提出了一些更有效的方法来管理Firefox的内存使用情况。

HTG解释:了解UEFI如何替换您PC的BIOS (HTG Explains: Learn How UEFI Will Replace Your PC’s BIOS)


The BIOS has been a part of your PC for a long time. You’ve probably heard of it, but you may not know what it is or what it does. It’s low-level software that is built-in on the motherboard of your PC and gets the hardware in your computer going when you boot your computer. It then passes control to the operating system or other boot loader. The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is going to be taking the place of BIOS. The following article describes these two technologies and provides some history.

长期以来,BIOS一直是您PC的一部分。 您可能听说过它,但是您可能不知道它是什么或它做什么。 它是内置在PC主板上的低级软件,可在启动计算机时使计算机中的硬件正常运行。 然后,它将控制权传递给操作系统或其他引导加载程序。 统一可扩展固件接口(UEFI)将取代BIOS。 下面的文章描述了这两种技术并提供了一些历史。

什么是抗锯齿,它如何影响我的照片和图像? (What Is Anti-Aliasing, and How Does It Affect My Photos and Images?)


Anti-aliasing is an important part of photography and image editing and should be understood if you want to create high quality images. The following article describes what anti-aliasing is, why we use it, and when you shouldn’t use it. Be ready for a very geeky article. We use a lot of math and science to explain anti-aliasing!

抗锯齿是摄影和图像编辑的重要组成部分,如果要创建高质量的图像,应理解抗锯齿。 下面的文章描述了什么是抗锯齿,我们为什么使用它以及何时不应该使用它。 准备撰写一篇非常令人讨厌的文章。 我们使用大量的数学和科学知识来解释抗锯齿!

我的USB驱动器应使用什么文件系统? (What File System Should I Use for My USB Drive?)


Different operating systems and devices use different file systems to manage their files. How do you know what file system to use on a USB drive so you can transfer files to all your different devices? The following article describes which formats work for which systems to help you decide what file system will work best for formatting your USB drive.

不同的操作系统和设备使用不同的文件系统来管理其文件。 您如何知道在USB驱动器上使用哪种文件系统,以便可以将文件传输到所有不同的设备? 以下文章介绍了哪些格式适用于哪些系统,以帮助您确定哪种文件系统最适合格式化USB驱动器。

HTG解释:那么您丢了智能手机,现在怎么办? (HTG Explains: So You Lost Your Smartphone, Now What?)


If you’ve lost your smartphone, you are probably panicking about all the private data on it and thinking “identity theft.”  The following article shows you some precautionary steps you can take to help protect your data and to locate your phone once it is lost. We also show you something you can do if you weren’t prepared when you lost your phone, and even options available for replacing your phone.

如果您丢失了智能手机,您可能会对其中的所有私人数据感到恐慌,并在考虑“身份盗用”。 下一篇文章向您显示一些预防措施,可用来保护您的数据并在手机丢失后找到它。 如果丢失手机时您还没有做好准备,我们还会向您显示可以采取的措施,甚至还提供一些替换手机的选项。

HTG解释:您真的需要整理PC碎片吗? (HTG Explains: Do You Really Need to Defrag Your PC?)


In the past, it was always thought that defragging your PC would make it operate faster. However, with today’s operating systems, you probably don’t need to manually defrag your PC. The following article shows you a couple of scenarios that help explain why this is true.

在过去,一直认为对PC进行碎片整理会使其运行更快。 但是,对于当今的操作系统,您可能不需要手动对PC进行碎片整理。 下面的文章为您展示了两种情况,可以帮助解释为什么如此。

HTG解释:什么时候需要更新驱动程序? (HTG Explains: When Do You Need to Update Your Drivers?)


Drivers are computer programs that allow Windows, and other programs you install in Windows, to interact with hardware devices. For example, your computer needs a software program to know how to interact with all the features of your video card. Drivers have updates just like Windows and programs do.  The following article gives advice about how often you really need to update your drivers.

驱动程序是允许Windows和您在Windows中安装的其他程序与硬件设备进行交互的计算机程序。 例如,您的计算机需要一个软件程序来知道如何与视频卡的所有功能进行交互。 驱动程序具有与Windows和程序一样的更新。 以下文章提供有关您真正需要多久更新一次驱动程序的建议。

HTG解释:黑客如何通过SQL注入/ DDoS接管网站 (HTG Explains: How Hackers Take Over Web Sites with SQL Injection / DDoS)


You’ve probably heard about the infamous Sony PlayStation hack that compromised the personal information of many PlayStation online gamers. If you’ve ever wondered how that was done, the following article discusses the tools and techniques hacker groups use so you can understand what’s going on. We show you how two common attacks, “(Distributed) Denial of Service” (DDoS) and “SQL Injections” (SQLI) work. Note that we’re not trying to provide a manual so you can do this yourself. It’s just smart to be informed.

您可能已经听说过臭名昭著的Sony PlayStation骇客,该骇客入侵了许多PlayStation在线游戏玩家的个人信息。 如果您想知道这样做是如何完成的,下面的文章将讨论黑客团体使用的工具和技术,以便您了解正在发生的事情。 我们向您展示两种常见的攻击方式:“(分布式)拒绝服务”(DDoS)和“ SQL注入”(SQLI)。 请注意,我们并不是要提供手册,所以您可以自己做。 被告知是很聪明的。

HTG解释:了解路由器,交换机和网络硬件 (HTG Explains: Understanding Routers, Switches, and Network Hardware)

If you are trying to setup a network at home, you have probably tried to make sense of routers, switches, hubs, and other network hardware to figure out what you need and how to get it to work. The following article discusses home networking hardware, telling you what the individual pieces do. We help you to know when you need each piece and how best to deploy them to optimize your home network.

如果您要在家中设置网络,则可能已尝试弄清路由器,交换机,集线器和其他网络硬件,以弄清您需要什么以及如何使它工作。 下面的文章讨论家庭网络硬件,告诉您各个部分的功能。 我们帮助您了解何时需要每个部件,以及如何最好地部署它们以优化您的家庭网络。


We hope you’ve learned a lot!




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